Environmental Policy

Our Responsibility Policy

At Crest, we are committed to protecting the environment that we operate within and a reduction in the carbon footprint of every one of our properties.
Hospitality is a 24/7 business and as such relies on the use of power all day, and therefore the production of waste is inevitable. Our commitment is to minimise waste, reduce our power consumption, where possible source green power and keep energy conservation at the forefront of every business decision and design proposal we make.
We commit for all our hotels to achieve green accreditation by 2025 to show our team and our guests / customers that we are working with the planet at the heart of our world.


Any project that is undertaken will be reviewed for energy efficiency and potential environmental impact.
This will cover everything from lightbulbs to our air handling plant and boilers. If there are greener solutions to any need, we will endeavour to adopt it.
All team members will be trained in energy conservation and will take part in an annual light out event to highlight energy conservation.
We will endeavour where available to source green power, continue our programme of Solar PV installation and reduce our carbon footprint, with the aim to become carbon neutral.


We have low flow systems installed in all properties, with shower flow restrictors installed to conserve water and reduce wastewater output.
Where applicable we try and recycle water for grounds watering and are working on water recovery systems to reduce usage.
Pools are monitored and inspected regularly to ensure that water loss is reduced as much as possible and covers are used to reduce power output.
We aim to install guest water bottle refilling stations in all of our hotels allowing guests to re-fill their own bottles and as such reducing single use bottle wastage.

Waste Management

We commit to reach at least 98% of waste landfill diversion though a total of all our waste providers. We will ensure that all our team members are trained in appropriate waste segregation and take every step to allow our guests to help us in this journey in managing their waste by recycling and re-using.
We will commit to removing single use products from our guest rooms (with the exclusion of personal hygiene / wash products), Food & Beverage outlets as well as admin areas. We will adapt to a reuse mentality with local sustainably sourced bulk amenity products used.

Our Way of Working

We are committed to reducing our way of working and commit to moving as many of our admin processes to an online / computer-based solution to reduce paper waste, power waste from printers as well as increased efficiency. We are actively looking to adopt a tablet solution for any function sheet documentation for our team, Online contracts as well as reducing the paper used during our check in and out. Email receipts will be our preferred default for our guests.

Community Engagement

At Crest we believe hotels are in the heart of our communities and as such, each hotel will be partnered and engage with a local charitable association to help others, work with our communities and ‘do a little good’.
All hotels allocated 1 day a year per employee in volunteering work within their community or together as a group. This is done to allow individuals to do their bit either individually, or as a team. Our Value is simple- If we can do some good, we should!